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FBZHL-Seminar: Engaging Students in Academic Writing

17.01.2020 , 09:00 - 12:15 Uhr
FBZHL der Universität Bayreuth Nürnbergerstr. 38, Bayreuth Außenstelle der Universität Bayreuth, Bürocenter Bayreuth Süd, Haus 4, Raum 4.2.38 Anreisebeschreibung: http://fbzhl.uni-bayreuth.de

Writing and teaching writing is characterized by individuality, a specific approach may work for one student and not for the other. Furthermore, students may have different knowledge and skill levels on academic writing. In this seminar we will therefore cover how you can support your students in developing and deepening their writing skills - both in class and during supervision of writing projects (term papers, bachelor/master theses, etc.). We will cover a variety of methods and approaches you can choose from, depending on the stage the students writing project is in. Furthermore, we will cover conversation techniques that you may apply, especially when you sit down with students to talk about their individual writing projects. In addition, this seminar allows you to exchange ideas and experiences with the other participants and you are very welcome to bring along individual questions.

Link zur Buchung: https://www.profilehreplus.de/seminare/detail/engaging-students-in-academic-writing/

Verantwortlich für die Redaktion: Paul Dölle

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